
Does Olive Garden Continue to Sponsor Lucifer

Christian censorship group One Million Moms is taking issue with Italian restaurant Olive Garden for sponsoring Lucifer. We weigh in on it all here!


Olive Garden In Bed With Lucifer, One Million Moms Demand Boycott

Christian censorship group One Million Moms is taking issue with Italian restaurant Olive Garden for sponsoring Lucifer. We weigh in on it all here!

One Million Moms has some complaints to take up with Olive Garden, and they are asking for more than another basket of breadsticks…

There are plenty of Religious activists with a multitude of causes they get behind to fight for the integrity of their ideals. Italian restaraunts that advertise for television adaptations of the Devil coming to Earth are on their list.

Religious censorship group One Million Moms has asked people to boycott Olive Garden because television showLucifer is spiritually confusing. The (DC/Vertigo) comic based show that debuted Monday chronicles Lucifer Morninstar (satan/devil) growing tired of overseeing tormented souls for all eternity and deciding to take his talents to Southern California to do devilish things to humans. Despite messengers from God decrying that he needs to resume his post, Lucifer instead helps the LAPD in apprehending and punishing criminals.

The religious groups protesting claim this is spiritually confusing because Lucifer is portrayed as a handsome, debonaire, rich, attractive, and intoxicating individual. This is a far cry from the church's depiction of Lucifer, usually more closely resembling Hellboy with hoofed feet, horns, serpent tail, pitchfork, and red skin.

Why has Lucifer garnered their attention? Is it because this is a television show on basic programming? Is it truly spiritually confusing? This is a show derived from a comic book, a fictional adaptation of Judeo-Christian inspired idealogy. Whom is using a television program aired at 9pm EST, to dictate their spiritual beliefs? Furthermore whom is using comic books to do the same thing?

To each thier own, but this is borderline ridiculous. If this was before the day of streaming services, unlimited information on the web, and when we had four channels; then I could understand One Millions Moms' arguments a bit more. In 2016 though we do have Hulu, Netflix, On Demand, DVR, Youtube Red, Direc TV, Dish, Comcast, Time Warner, HBO GO. Never before in the history of video broadcasting has the viewer had more control over what they watch. We are not stuck at the whims of the networks; we determine when and where we shall consume entertainment.

If anything, One Million Moms just brought unwarranted attention for the Fox show. While the network put it behind the massively popular X-files mini run, most people will change to more established programs of their choosing. This call to boycott just gave more attention to a "spiritually confusing" show than all the Olive Garden comercials that would be broadcast. Does Olive Garden even need comercials at this point anyway? Do the One Million Moms believe that those unlimited breadsticks are now going to be served as upside down crucifixes?

Olive Garden

Raised in a staunch Catholic community, the concerns of spiritual confusion have permeated my mind throughout my formative years. Fictional programming was not the basis of that, but rather the execution of the religious teachings. This indicates the group is lazy as teachers of thier ideals.

I would argue the show can be used to show how attractive evil can seem. That while the easy, flashy ways disguises the evil nature that lays under the surface. Olive Garden has yet to respond and quite frankly do not think they should. Pick your religious battles, lay off the salad and breadsticks. You control what you watch, the way to really hit the show is by not tuning in and not attacking the most popular Italian restaraunt chain in America.

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